Porta San Pietro District

The keys of the Saint on yellow background, symbol of fertility and richness of the countryside.

The Emblem

The coat of arm consists of the crossed gilded keys against a yellow background. The keys refer immediately to the Pope, as the Saint represented in the main monument of the district, the Benedictine complex of San Pietro, San Pietro Vincioli, nobleman of Perugia, has been often mistaken for the apostle Saint Peter. The yellow background recalls the wide plain just outside the borough extending toward South East, a plain full of sun and water and therefore fertile, from which all the cereals needed for the city were gathered.

The History

The link with Rome was also strengthened by the main road that, starting from the centre of Perugia went – and still goes – directly to Rome. The district borders with Porta Sole in Piazza Matteotti , with Porta Eburnea where entering in Corso Vannucci from Piazza Italia and Via Masi; with Porta Eburnea and Porta Santa Susanna, it was included in the “parte di sotto” (lower part) team during the game of “Sassajola”(a violent training game consisting of throwing stones) against Porta Sole and Porta Sant’Angelo, the “parte di sopra” or upper part.
The main monuments are the ancient church fortress of Sant’Ercolano, the imposing Church of San Domenico, whose cloister now hosts the National Archeological Museum and the State Archives, the already mentioned Church and Abbey of San Pietro, the Etruscan Porta del Leone (door of the Lyon) and the XV Century door of San Pietro, by the great Florentine sculptor Agostino di Duccio.

The district ends with three important mementos of the Peruginian identity: the San Costanzo Curch, a XIX restoration in neo-byzantine style of the ancient church dedicated to the most ancient Patron of Perugia, the Frontone Gardens, linked with the Peruginian section of the Accademia dell’Arcadia (Arcadian Academy) and the Monument to the Fallen of the XX June, remembering one of the landmark of the more than twice millenary history of Perugia.
Recently the district has become the focal point for the Peruginian Theatre, with the presence of several theatre companies and of little theatres, that has renewed old and degraded premises.
The district borders with Porta Sole in Piazza Matteotti , with Porta Eburnea where entering in Corso Vannucci from Piazza Italia and Via Masi; with Porta Eburnea and Porta Santa Susanna, it was included in the “parte di sotto” (lower part) team during the game of “Sassajola”(a violent training game consisting of throwing stones) against Porta Sole and Porta Sant’Angelo, the “parte di sopra” or upper part.

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