Porta Santa Susanna District

The emblem is an iron-colored chain on a blue field, in honor of the waters of Lake Trasimeno

The Emblem

The Coat of Arms is an iron black chain against azure background, in honor of the waters of the Trasimeno Lake, that was at the boundaries of the territories of the District. The reason for the figure is not clear: it has been referred to the chains hanging on top of the main entrance door of the Sala dei Notari, just below the Griffin and the Lion, but it is not at all certain, since the chains are a war trophy for the whole city and not propriety of a sole district. It is as well improbable the idea that the chains refers to the ancient coat of arms of the Bear. Perhaps it refers to the use of the two chains, one at the beginning and one at the end of Via dei Priori, certified since 1327 to stop any raids from enemies.

The History

The azure background is on the other hand clear: the district stretches Westwards and in ancient times it included Peruginian territories bordering the Lake Trasimeno. Among the most important monuments many churches along Via dei Priori to San Francesco al Prato, the Torre degli Sciri or degli Scalzi, the spectacular Oratory of San Bernardino, the Sodalizio Braccio Fortebracci, the Trasimena Door, Palazzo Marini Clarelli, formerly of the Oddi Family, San Benedetto Vecchio alla Canapina. Via dei Priori is identified in part with the major decuman of the Etruscan-Roman center, which crosses the city from the east (Arco dei Gigli) to the west (Porta Trasimena).

It borders in Piazza Cavallotti and via Maestà delle Volte with porta Sant’Angelo and in Via della Viola with Porta Sole; together with Porta Eburnea and Porta San Pietro, it was included in the “parte di sotto” (lower part) team during the game of “Sassajola”(a violent training game consisting of throwing stones) against Porta Sole and Porta Sant’Angelo, the “parte di sopra” or upper part.

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Sede Rionale:  Via Sant’Andrea – Perugia
