Perugia Folgora

A videoinstallation

Back in time….

Perugia has an ancient history, which also cross 1416 and Braccio Fortebracci, mentioned in a video installation inside the Rocca Paolina.

A scenic journey through the history of Perugia in an evocative immersive video installation at the Rocca Paolina – Sala del Caminetto, in the underground heart of the city. A flight on the wings of the Grifo in the skies of a Perugia of past eras in a continuous game of overlapping. An immersive and spectacular video installation that attracts young and old: a passionate tribute to the historical heritage and the beauties that have made Perugia famous throughout the world. The video, realized with funds from the Italian Capital of Culture (2015), is projected in loop.

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Associazione Perugia 1416 APS

via Podiani 11 – 06121 Perugia

+39 392 6774439