Support the “Perugia1416” Association APS

By contributing with your association fee or a donation, as a private individual or as a company, you will be part of this great adventure and help us improve.

Support Perugia1416 APS Association



Donate a contribution

Institutions and companies (but also private)

In this section:



Support the event with an annual membership. You will be able to participate in the meetings and you will have the right to vote to make the event truly yours.

Donate a contribution

Institutions and companies (but also private)

Do not miss the opportunity to associate your image with that of Perugia1416. Sponsors and supporters often support us anonymously, but if you want your visibility space, let’s talk about it

Contact us

"Terms and conditions of service"

"EU Privacy Statement"

"Sending electronic communications"

9 + 4 =


Associazione Perugia1416 APS

Operations office
via G. Oberdan, 50 – 06121 Perugia