The Middle Ages and Children

An imaginative world of ladies and knights, dragons and wizards


A world of fantasy

The Middle Ages for children

The Middle Ages, for children, can be summed up in an imaginative world of ladies and knights, dragons and wizards. Perugia1416 has always pushed them up to the history of the city in a light and playful but instructive path. And this is how even the little ones have been fiound themselves together in fairy tales, visits to the medieval monuments and to the military camp, and play knightly tournaments. In the officials programs there are always spaces to make them active in workshops and exhibitions: with their teachers, with the POST, with the puppets and the imagination of Mario Mirabassi, or the stories of Mirko Revoiera. For the older ones, is the pride of becoming skilled drummers for their own Rione or knowing the “art of the flag” to become the flag-wavers of Perugia1416.

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Associazione Perugia1416 APS

Operations office
via G. Oberdan, 50 – 06121 Perugia