Become a member

You will be part of the project and in the occasion of the shareholders’ meeting you will be able to cast your vote

Membership card

Why join?
Joining Perugia 1416 means sharing the project and its aims and helping to support the association with your annual fee. Being a member gives you the right to be part of the shareholders’ meeting, and to cast your vote.

You can register as an Ordinary Member or Supporter:
ORDINARY MEMBER: annual fee 10 € 
SUPPORTING MEMBER: from a minimum of 50 € onwards
THE FOUNDING MEMBERS initially contributed a non-repayable amount of 200 €; annual fee of 50 €

You can register online (by downloading the form), or at the headquarters of the Association, or on the occasion of the Perugia 1416 meetings with the city.
Payment can be made by bank transfer or in cash directly to the Perugia1416 Association APS


• Fill out the form below to download by entering all the required data
• Make the payment by bank transfer: in the reason for the name and surname of the person joining (indicate if new member or quota renewal and reference year)
• Send a copy of the note with the data of the fee payment made to the email to
• You will collect the card from the secretariat of the Perugia1416 Association in Perugia, Via G. Oberdan, 50 or email:

Data for bank transfer:

BCC – Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Spello e del Velino
Credito Cooperativo Italiano

IBAN: IT44 Q088 7103 0000 1100 0000 934

Reason: first + last name of whom is associated (indicate if it is for a new member or a renewal of quota) + the year of reference

Registration form

Download, fill in and send the registration form.
The form, completed in all its parts, must be sent (scanned) to

Contact us

"Terms and conditions of service"

"EU Privacy Statement"

"Sending electronic communications"

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Associazione Perugia1416 APS

Operations office
via G. Oberdan, 50 – 06121 Perugia